Meet Ryan
Ryan bale
speaker // coach // company culture consultant
My purpose is to elevate and amplify your purpose. My entire life I have felt like I have been called for something so much bigger than myself and my desire to know more about myself and to investigate this inner calling led to a lifelong and profound journey of personal development and spiritual evolution. Whatever you have been called and created to do, do it. I have been created to assist you, so that is what I will do. You have something inside of you, that once awakened, it will never go back to sleep and it will become the thing that you dream about and can't wait to wake up and get back to doing. I'm here to help you wake that thing up, teach you how to harness the power it brings you, and provide you the leadership development and training that is going allow you to put your best foot forward and lead yourself and your team into greatness.

Servant leadership
At the heart of your mission is your team. Your team is everything to the mission and the "why" is everything to the team. As leaders, we owe it to each and every individual member of our team, the opportunity to discover, develop, and capitalize on their strengths and gifts so that they can all serve each other and the mission to their highest capacity. We must provide them the environment, the tools, strategies, and ultimately, the leadership that is going to get them to want to bring their best selves forward, and to believe that they can always achieve greater levels of performance.

My greatest passion
There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing the look on someone's face when they accomplish something that they didn't at first believe that they could accomplish. Or that look when someone's entire life changes because the shifting of a perspective gives them an entirely new outlook on the world. And there is certainly nothing I am more grateful for, other than the grace of God, than the men and women who have invested and poured in to me. I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for the men and the women who saw something in me that I couldn't see in myself. I am who I am today, partially, due to the fact that I was fortunate to have a few key leaders around me that wouldn't let me live into anything less than the potential that they saw in me. As leaders, it is our duty to inspire others into their greatness and to hold them accountable to that greatness. And sometimes the only thing someone needs to unlock the greatness in them, is your leadership. I didn't start off this way. I wasn't born a leader, I was born into darkness. I'm an entirely different man today than the man I would have been, had I not received the leadership that I did.

A dark beginning
I like to get right to the point. I didn't always have the confidence that I now have in myself. I battled many demons and slayed many dragons to become the leader that I am today. For a majority of the first ten years of my life, I was beaten, molested, and psychological abused by my own parents and I was bullied in school until I joined the United States Army as a Junior in high school at 17 years old. I only share that to share this; I know what it's like to come from a dark place and not believe that anything more is possible for you. I'm here to tell you that there is a way out and that you can do damn near anything that you set your mind to.
On to better days
Long story short, at seventeen I joined the United States Army, served for a total of eight years and did two tours in Iraq, totaling twenty seven months altogether in Baghdad. I got out of the Army and went to and graduated from The Divers Institute of Technology in Seattle, The Marine Mechanics Institute in Orlando, and First Response Training Group in Orlando where I went to EMT and Paramedic school. I then went on to become a mindset and performance coach and start my own business, Culture Makers, which focuses primarily on leadership development. I've ran heart racing 911 calls in the city of Orlando, I've guided a group of doctors in to the heart of The Ten Thousand Islands in the Florida Everglades for an overnight kayak camping trip in one of the most dangerous and unforgiving ecosystems and environments known to man, and I've worked at SpaceX as a paramedic recovering rocket parts 400 miles offshore in the Atlantic Ocean. That, among many other endeavors, all happened over the course of the last two decades. Why am I telling you all of this?
BECAUSE i want to tell you what i NOTICED everywhere that I went.
I noticed that it didn't matter the work I was doing or which environment I found myself in, but almost everywhere that I worked, I saw treasure troves of potential locked away, hidden deep within the hearts and minds of the individuals on the team, with no leadership with the capacity to harness that raw energy of the group and transmute it into the greatness that it ought to be. People are yearning for more from their leadership, but they just don't know exactly what it is they want or need so they don't know what to ask for. It's up to us as leaders to be a guiding light for our people and to give them everything they need to be successful in all realms of their life. When we help our teams get the most out of life, we get the most out of them. Add so much value to your peoples' lives that you actually become one of the most valuable people in their lives.